ServiceOntario Renewals

Making online renewals accessible for Ontarians

The province of Ontario has several identification cards such as driver's licences, health cards, and photo cards which require renewals every few years. As a product design intern at the Ontario Digital Service, a division of the Government of Ontario, I worked with my team to redesign the web platform used by 5 million people annually to ensure it is logical and accessible, as well as increase overall completion rates.

CompanyOntario Digital Service

TimelineJan - Feb 2020 (6 weeks)

Role1 of 3 product designers in a team of 6

SkillsProduct design, User research, Prototyping, Service Design

ServiceOntario Renewals header image



There currently is a online renewal platform for some of the identification cards issued by the province which was created to be an efficient alternative to the long, dreaded waits associated with the in-person process. However, analytics have shown that the process's completion rates are less than satisfactory and sentiment from the public is mediocre at best especially regarding accessibility. This is because people run into processing errors while using the online service which force them to complete the transaction in person. These issues are summarized by the following:

1. Low transaction completion rates

2. Negative sentiment surrounding the platform and process

3. Accessibility issues using the platform

Breaking down the goal

To further understand the frustrations that Ontarians were having with the platform, our team analyzed over 1,500 comments submitted through the current service's feedback form. The main pain points and opportunities to improve them were:

1. It was difficult finding the correct service to renew their products.

Opportunity: Combine the standalone services into a single renewal service.

2. Ontarians were confused by the questions being asked and the redundancy of information being asked of them.

Opportunity: Simplify the content, and only ask what is necessary.

3. When running into an error that prevents them from continuing the process, Ontarians could not figure out why, nor what to do next.

Opportunity: Thoroughly explain error states and suggest next steps to rectify the situation.

These findings presented the opportunity to explore the following refined problem statement and goal for our solution:

How might we redesign the online renewal platform to be a one-window transaction flow that promotes usability and inclusion?

We will know when the goal has been met with the following key performance indicators:


Reduce time spent on task


Increase transaction completion rates


Increase in positive feedback and overall sentiment

While the in-person process for ServiceOntario renewals is also important, the scope of the project was limited to refining the online platform. However, to create a holistic solution, we considered the end-to-end service to ensure our online redesign is logical and easy to implement with consideration to the in-person service.

Our approach



Analyze user feedback

Site audit


Journey mapping

Empathy mapping



User flows

Low-fi prototypes

Hi-fi designs

Interactive prototype

Coded prototype



User testing

Design iterations


Each week, we followed the process of plan, design, and test for six weeks. With this approach, we redesigned the existing web platforms into one consolidated service that allows users to renew all of their ServiceOntario products at once. It also streamlines the process, helping users "fail faster" and understand why there are errors if any arise. Jump to the solution.


Understanding the user journey

First, I familiarized myself with the current platform and process for renewing one's driver's licence and health card. I completed a site audit to trace the different entry points, only to find that many entry points had contradicting call-to-actions that led to an unexpected service. For the final design, we made sure to include fewer, as well as consistent entry points to the platform.

By going through the process myself, I encountered each of the pain points users faced when using the platform. It really showed me how difficult the service was to use, and how people who have more barriers than I do will not be able to use the service to its full extent.

Next, we created four personas to see how diverse our target audience is. These were informed by analyzing the feedback received on the current platform. This process also included individual journey maps, empathy maps, and an overall, consolidated user journey map which outlines the design of the entire service.

User research and journeys created for the project

My team and I created four main personas to better understand our users and their needs for the platform.

From this process, I learned to think systematically about the problem at hand, and ensure I take into account the entire design of the service from the digital platform to the in-person renewal process.


Prototyping the golden path

By understanding the user journey of the current platform, it made crafting the new user flow easier since the specific pain points are already identified.

We explored a one-window approach that consolidates all of the current services. It removes the confusion when Ontarians currently face when trying to find the correct service to renew their product, and allows them to renew everything at once rather than having to complete more than one transaction.

From here, we focused on developing a high level flow chart to take advantage of common design patterns to make the transaction process familiar and easy. Logically, it made sense to keep the platform similar to a wizard-like form and use the card information as a login-type credential to check eligibility right away.

The initial user flow for the application

A high level overview of the user flow.

While prototyping, we made sure to take a mobile-first approach to allow for scalability. For the first week, we started with Balsamiq to map the golden path (putting error states on hold) of renewing both a driver’s licence and health card at the same time. During week two, we added the ability to renew driver’s licences and health cards individually.

Low fidelity prototypes from weeks one and two

We created low fidelity mockups to test user flow and information architecture.

In week three, we migrated to Figma and worked on guiding Ontarians when they deviated from the golden path. In the final week, we tested a coded prototype that included the option to renew Ontario photo cards and error states, too.

In the end, we had over 256 artboards in total for all of the possible paths!

It was really important for us to include the ability to renew an Ontario photo card in this renewal service. This is because the Ontario photo card was initially created to help 1.5 million Ontarians access and obtain a valid form of identification since they do not have a driver's licence. Currently, there is no online service to renew this product – thus, a product meant to be accessible and have similar privileges as a driver's licence, truly is not meeting its initial goal. By including it in this prototype, we are advocating for its inclusion in the next iteration of the renewal platform.


User testing at the busiest ServiceOntario

Each week, we took what we were working on and tested it with Ontarians at the busiest ServiceOntario location in Toronto. We asked individuals who were renewing their driver’s licences, health cards, or both, to try out our redesigned platform. For the first two weeks, we tested with a Balsamiq prototype, while in the last two weeks, we used a combination of the Figma prototype and the coded website. In total, I led 11 guerilla tests with Ontarians.

Guerilla user testing sessions I conducted at Bay and College's ServiceOntario location

We tested with real Ontarians every week.

In the earlier weeks, from testing, I learned the following:

1. People wanted a brief overview of what to expect from the process.

2. They were sometimes confused by the language that was being used, leaving them puzzled about what they needed to do.

3. When encountering errors, Ontarians needed more explanation and next steps.

Hearing these concerns, it felt like we were back at square one with our initial problem. But after each session, the team got together to make changes and implement the feedback we had heard. Eventually, we validated our changes in the following guerilla user testing sessions.

One of the most notable changes we made was in our third week when we noticed Ontarians were getting frustrated when faced with an error late in the renewal process. I realized that we could help them “fail faster” so they can learn more quickly that they do not qualify for renewing online and not their waste time. We reversed part of our flow so the eligibility questions are earlier in the process rather than the end.

The revised user flow for the application

We revised the user flow to help Ontarians "fail faster" after our third week of testing.

Implementing the feedback

In our final sprint, we reflected on everything we learned, made changes based on user feedback, and finalized the loose ends.

An important change we made included working with the constraints of a vertical layout such as a mobile phone. We found Ontarians would stop scrolling and get lost during the process, resulting in us modifying the layout so that the most important information and call to action buttons are displayed first or more prominently on the screen. This involved breaking up sections into shorter pages, and rearranging elements on the page.

We worked on breaking down the onboarding of the application into the bite sized pieces. As everyone knows and as Ontarians that we tested reiterated:

“Nobody reads the terms and conditions.”

But as a government service, it is important for the user to understand all parts of the process and know what they are signing up for. So, I broke down what used to a long, two screen onboarding process into three screens that end above the fold.

The concept of "the shorter the better" did not only apply to the onboarding flow, but throughout the application as well. A notable change for our application was taking our really long pages and separating it into several short pages. This helps with the mindset of one goal per page. For example, previously, we asked for users to select each of the products they wanted renew and to enter those product ids as well. Not only did this help with orienting the user to address one goal at a time, but it also make error states a lot cleaner and easier to implement on the backend.

How the landing page evolved after testing

We revised the onboarding screens to caputre Ontarians' attention and deliver important information.

To help Ontarians further understand the process, we looked at revamping the copy and microcopy to be more instructional and personal. We worked with a content designer to include more directional words that instruct the user how to complete the transaction. This also involved using pictures to aid people in completing the renewal easily.

At first, we thought hiding the pictures in dropdowns would be accessible if needed and help to keep the page fairly short. However, when looking for their card numbers, we noticed users missing these dropdowns even though they were clearly labelled. While it may seem bizarre to us, this is a prime example of demonstrating that we, as creators, have too much context and are unable to initially see problems from the user's perspective. Thus, we embedded the image with instructions for the more confusing card number directly on the form below the input field.

With more testing, we realized this still was not enough, and removed the dropdowns for all the images, making the page longer but more directly accessible for users to understand. In the final sprint, we found showing the images first even before the input field helped provide even more context and priming for users. This progression is seen in the image below.

Refined content and added pictures helped in aiding people to complete the transaction

We refined the content and included visuals to aid Ontarians.

In particular, the visuals were immensely helpful in making our platform easy to use and navigate the instructions. As users said:

“Pictures are worth a thousand words”

We also thought more about errors and the different barriers Ontarians may encounter when trying to renew their products. This includes both human errors, as well as technical errors that Ontarians may encounter throughout the process. Refining these states required work in both content and information flow, and would need more thought before shipping the final product.


Final designs

The final designs were created in Figma. See the coded prototype.

Consolidated the many renewal platforms into a single service

We combined the major ServiceOntario products that need renewals into one platform, making it easy to renew everything at once. This makes the single service easier to find rather than Ontarians having to find the specific service to renew their single or combination of products. This is an proof of concept, and ideally other products that also need renewals will be included in the final version.

Created a consolidated service for numerous products
Simplified content and removed redundant data entry

Simplified content and removed redundant questions

Rather than asking convoluted questions like "Have you moved or changed your address in the last 90 days?", we have used simpler questions that are easy to understand like "Do you currently live at the address on your driver’s licence?". We also now only ask users for their information once rather than requiring them to enter it multiple times.

Clarified errors and indicated next steps

Originally, not only were the errors confusing, but there were no directions for Ontarians on what to do after encountering an error. Now, we show errors inline for validation checks, and clearly outline why a user may be unable to continue the process online and actionable steps to finish their transaction in-person.

Made errors very understandable with clear next steps
Explained problems to the user and gave next steps to go in-person


This work was a proof of concept done to help address one of Ontario's top ten online transactions. We pitched and presented our designs and findings to both executives and Ministry partners, receiving praise for the usability and improvements compared to the existing platform.

When testing our prototype in the last week, we found that the prototype addressed all of our KPIs and exceeded our expectations. The final metrics include:


Reduced time spent on task by approximately 42%


90% of Ontarians would try the online renewal service before going in-person


Exceedingly positive feedback from Ontarians on the user experience

Overall, I believe our redesign was successful and creates a better user experience for Ontarians when they are renewing their government identification cards.

Next steps

One of the most time-consuming steps of the renewal process is typing the card number into the field. Although our redesign was able to mitigate confusion as to where the numbers are located on the card, the manual process of typing each number and letter is not ideal.

A possible short term solution is to implement a photo scanning feature that would allow the user to point their camera at the card and automatically pick up the characters. However, this does not work well with mediums such as computers which may not have a camera. Instead, a more sustainable option is to implement the concept of digital identity which could allow renewals with the click of a single button.

Regarding the pitched redesigns, as of November 2020, work has been done to revise some of the content to use simpler language on the existing platform. While it is a good step in the right direction, unfortunately, there is no guarantee that other parts of our proof of concept redesign will be implemented in the near future.

Reflecting back

Emily user testing

This outside of the ServiceOntario where we conducted usability testing!

I completed a lot in such a short period of time, especially for a project that impacts many, many people. It was my first time completing a project at this scale and impact – it was the first project of my first co-op term as well!

Having never done guerilla user testing before, I was extremely nervous the first time I was told to approach a stranger and ask for feedback. However, soon, I realized that these conversations helped me see the tangible fruits of how I am striving towards my goal of using technology to help people. I used this as a chance to overcome my anxieties when approaching and conducting user interviews with others.

Overall, I am proud of the work we have done and I hope to continue working on impactful projects in the future.

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